Monday, March 30, 2009
Surgery went well
Anyway, I'm home now and feeling better everyday. Mom and Dad have been over everyday to help and visit. In fact, they are grocery shopping for me today. Timm took off 4 days last week to be at the hospital and home for me...what an awesome guy he is. I think he worries a lot about me even though he won't admit it. I realize I do tend to do lots of things I probably shouldn't so he figures it's just par for the course. My kids have been good about helping me, I think they worry also.
On a crafty note, I finished tying the polar fleece blanket yesterday for Justin's boy. Today I am clipping rag quilts. I finished 9 of them before I went in so I would have something to do when I got out. Keep crafting is still National Craft Month. I have faces to put on a few dolls and get them listed on Etsy and Artfire.
Thanks to all my family and friends for good thoughts, prayers, meals, and chores. I really do appreciate every bit of it. I can tell it's about time for another pain pill...and a nap.
Monday, March 23, 2009
trying to keep busy
I've made soup, chop suey, done a ton of laundry, changed the sheets, waxed the floor, pulled weeds most of the day on Saturday, and I've sewn 9 baby size rag quilts...5 of them today. I finished sewing up a fleece patchwork quilt today as well. It's pinned and ready to be tied off.
I need to shower, pack a small suitcase, re-make the bed and hit the sack. Need to get up at 4-4:30am to be there at 5:30am. Wish me luck!
Friday, March 20, 2009
More crafty stuff
The writing is on the wall
Wanted to give the kitchen a more personal touch and thought this was a great way to bring me and what I love to do into the kitchen. I only had to scrub it off I didn't offically measure, I just started painting letters on the wall. I'm really glad we bought good quality paint.
I liked the way it turned out so well, I even painted on the header in the dining room. I am going with more Americana stuff in there but still wanted the outdoor/lodge feeling since you look into the living room from there so I think the wording is more in line with the outdoors than the other phrase I was going to overlay. Here is a close up view of the dining room. You can see the shading under all the lettering in it better.
Now, I think I will head to the bedroom next for more
Friday, March 13, 2009
Altered art anniversary gift
It still needs to be mounted and framed but that will come next week. I'm telling you I must have 1000 scrabble tiles and several game boards. I purchase them everytime I find one at a thrift store.
I think it turned out totally cool and unique and after it's framed out it will be awesome! They make such a cute couple and they are really good for each other. (So far they say no kids...just dogs)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A few things done
Monday, March 9, 2009
A few more crafty sites
There are so many, please share by leaving a post.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A few good sites
Anyway...since it is National Craft month I thought I would share a few websites with you that you, me, and many other artists and crafters sell their wares at. your crafters and buy handmade. Come see me at I just registered to sell This is UK site This is an Austrailian site
Sit back, relax, and enjoy exploring these sites. Oh, and if you have others you enjoy please leave a post and let me know.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
National Craft Month Project #1

I started this one when I found out Tim and Allison were pregnant. Guess what? They're going to have a boy. So, it looks like I will be saving this one for someone else's baby.

Here are a couple of closeups so you can see the flowers.

Monday, March 2, 2009
March is National Craft Month