Shopping and attending the Creative Painting Convention is the highlight of my early spring. It inspires me to get motivated to work on all kinds of wonderful projects...some that I just bought patterns for, some from years past that never seemed to make it onto the table to be painted. Granted with the economy the show isn't as big as it's been in years past when tole and decorative painting was as popular as scrapbooking is now, but it is still one of the best regional painting conventions around. Owner, Jay Sharp puts on a fantastic show. In fact, I have had trade floor booths and taught at this event when it was at the Sahara and Tropicana hotels.

Spending the day shopping with friends is way more fun than shopping alone as anyone can attest to and this year my friend, Diane barely made it out of work to come share in the fun...I hope she has a job tomorrow (just kidding, she still has her job). I also get to see friends I see only a few times a year. Here I am along with Diane and Bertha in front of Renee Mullins booth, Plum Purdy. By the way, I spent the most money here. Renee has beautiful designs.

Another of my favorite places to spend my money is at Angel Thyme with Shara Reiner. I have to use a lot of self control here. She gets a double booth and sells not only her patterns and books but finished pieces as well. I want it all! By the way, Bertha bought some fabulous pieces from Shara.

Booths are full of gorgeous finished pieces of art along with patterns, wood, metal, brushes and other supplies to really inspire and motivate each and every shopper. Just about any style of decorative painting can be found that will surely fit anyone's style and taste.

At the end of the day I feel I showed great restraint and will power. I made purchases I knew I would truly use over the next few months. Normally, I don't purchase wood but as you can see in my treasure pile I did purchase some ornament pieces since my dad isn't cutting wood anymore. Like I need anymore brushes I know, but I only bought 10 since some of the ones I use most often have seen better days. Some stencils, graphite paper, chalk, some pattern packets, and a few books were the rest of my purchases. Oh, do you see the metal holly and berries in the photo? Della and Co. are now producing puffed metal pieces for Shara Reiner designs. How awesome is that! I bought just one but plan to order more in the future, they are just stunning when finished.
A big thank you to all the vendors that travel to and participate at these trade shows. I know it's not the easiest thing to do these days but from all of us that attend...THANK YOU! Now, I gotta get to work...painting!