This has been a hectic year so far as you could tell from yesterday's post. I didn't want to combine remodeling with sorrow so today's blog is not upbeat and entertaining. We have been spending countless hours at the hospitals, rehab and hospice between trying to get the house done.
My hubby and I live on the same property with his mom. We've been here 25 years raiding our children, watching after the place while his parents traveled, and taking care of his parents as well. Dad passed away Thanksgiving Day 1996 after suffering through a broken hip and emphasima complications. We drew closer to his mom afterwards and my children just adored their grandma. She has aged gracefully and always recovered from what ever she encountered in life. January 9th Agnes fell and broke her hip. After that, she spent time in the hospital dealing with a small bout of pneumonia, had hip surgery, went to rehab, then an assisted living center. She was transferred back to the hospital, then to hospice. She passed on Monday, March 3 with her children and family around her and has moved on to meet her Heavenly Father.
While all this has been happening my grandma has been moved from her senior apartment to an assisted living center. I think this move was harder on her children than it was for her. Mid February, she was admitted to the hospital with a mild case of pneumonia as well. She has COPD so her recovery has been difficult. She moved to a pulmonary care center; there she was diagnosed with demensia and doctors said she was unable to return home. Paperwork had just been completed to move her to a nursing home when she took a turn for the worse. My grandma passed away Tuesday, March 4th to be with her Father as well.
I just don't know what else to say or do right now, I felt the need to express myself in words because I am tired of crying. Death is never an easy thing to deal with but there is great comfort in knowing that loved ones no longer suffer and have moved on to a better place.