I've been clipping and washing rag quilts since I got home from the hopsital. I think there are eight of them. Today, I finally took some photos and listed a few of them on artfire.com and etsy.com. These all measure about 40"x40" after washing.

These first two have Warm and Natural batting between 2 layers of flannel, making them extra warm and cozy for baby. I enjoy the colors for little girls (especially since I never had any).

These next to quilts are more boy oriented. I always try to make boy stuff since girly stuff (while it's fun to make) is so much easier to find. This one has a fun and comical dog print as wel as a multi colored stripe.
No batting between the 2 flannel layers on these. They are still cozy and warm but perfect for car seats and outings since it's not so heavy and bulky.
The other one is has 3 prints, including a multi-colored stripe, a marbled red, and a really cool bug print. I know several little boys who would love this one.

An finally, a unisex quilt for either boy or girl. It features a light blue print with a smiling star and cloud. A blue star print and additional yellow star print complete this wonderful rag quilt.
You can find these at my Etsy and Artfire sites or you can contact me directly for gift giving at your next baby shower invite.